
CARAD welcomes Government decision to grant permanency to TPV/SHEV holders

The Centre for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees (CARAD) has today welcomed the long-anticipated decision by the Albanese Government to honour their election commitment to allow access to Permanent Visas to almost 20,000 refugees whose lives have been left in limbo for more than a decade.


CARAD General Manager Alison Xamon said refugees who have been living on temporary protection visas now have an opportunity to finally gain some stability in their lives. 


“These are people who for years have been working, paying taxes, and contributing within the Australian community,” she said.


“But the precariousness of temporary protection has meant that these same people, all of whom have been found to be genuine refugees, have not been able to take on all job opportunities, not been able to study, or get a mortgage, or access essential services such as the NDIS. 


“But worst of all, these are people living in our community who have not been able to be reunited with family, with many people disconnected from children, spouses and parents still living overseas.  Tragically, in the time that people have been left on temporary protection, some of these family members have been killed overseas. It has been devastating.”


“Today’s announcement is a step in the right direction towards meeting our international humanitarian obligations.  It is also essential that we now find a way to address the injustice of those refugees who were negatively affected by the so-called “fast-track” system.  But for this deeply flawed process today’s announcement would have been good for these people as well.  We hope a solution to this injustice can be found soon.”


CARAD is a not-for-profit organisation which for more than 20 years has been providing emergency relief, casework and supports for refugees, people seeking asylum, and those asylum seekers left languishing in our immigration detention centres. 


CARAD is the provider of last resort, providing the means to survive for people who are otherwise unable to receive any other supports whilst their claims for asylum are being assessed.

 “The Federal Government’s announcement today will change lives for nearly thousands of refugees and people seeking asylum in WA, and CARAD recognises the Albanese Government for being the first to address this blatantly wrong process,” Ms Xamon said.


“While the refugees affected by this decision have been living safe here in WA from war, they have not been safe from the fear of not being able to build a life for themselves and their children and they can now finally do that.

 “The people will now be able to get a job and apply for social safety nets that will provide the dignity and respect their deserve.”


For more information about TPVs and SHEVs click here