Learn how to make a bequest to CARAD
Making a Bequest is another generous way you can support the Centre for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees (CARAD) and the work it does. There are four types of gifts you can give in your Will:
A residual gift is a portion of your estate, or the balance remaining after your loved ones and expenses are provided for. This is the best type of gift, and one we prefer supporters to consider because it maintains the relative value of your gift and automatically adjusts to changes in the value of your estate.
A pecuniary gift allows you to give a specific amount of money to CARAD.
A percentage gift allows you to choose a proportion of either the residue of your estate, or your entire estate, to CARAD.
An asset is considered anything of value, such as property, shares, jewellery or works of art. We would accept the property or asset with the understanding that we would seek to sell it and liquidate the assets to fund our programs. This type of gift, while valued, incurs further costs and liabilities to CARAD.
We request that if you decide to make the generous decision to gift a bequest that you give CARAD the freedom to use your gift where it is needed the most.
Please consult with your solicitor and discuss your decision with your family and loved ones. If you decide to make a bequest, we’d love the opportunity to thank you. Please let us know via phone, email or in person.
If you already have a Will but would like to leave a bequest to the CARAD, you can do so by making a simple addition to your existing Will. Your lawyer can help you do this – this is called a ‘codicil’.
If you do not have a Will you can simply include the type of bequest that you want to make to CARAD when you write a new Will.
Once you have chosen the type of gift you wish to give, speak to your legal advisor to draft the appropriate clause.