
Join our Management Committee (Board) - Expressions of Interest (EOI) now open

Are you interested in becoming a CARAD Management Committee member to help drive better outcomes for refugees, asylum seekers and detainees in Western Australia (WA)? 
We have a small number of vacancies on the Management Committee and are inviting EOIs from community members who have an understanding of the issues facing refugees, people seeking asylum and detainees in Australia and who have the personal attributes, networks, skills and expertise, to support CARAD’s strategic vision. 

 Our Management Committee is voluntary and is made up of people from diverse backgrounds, bound by a shared commitment to CARAD’s vision, mission and values.

We are especially looking for potential Management Committee members who have expertise and experience including:

  • Lived experience of forced migration and transcultural expertise

  • Media and communications

  • Law and corporate governance

  • Fundraising and philanthropy

  • Finance and accounting

Joining CARAD’s Management Committee is a genuine opportunity to put compassion into action. Our organisation’s governance is critical to sustaining the impact of our staff and volunteers on our clients and community. Serving as a member offers the opportunity to extend interests and expertise in social justice, governance and organisational leadership.

If you are passionate about issues faced by refugees, detainees and people seeking asylum, have the time and commitment to participate in monthly meetings (typically 90 minutes), we would love to hear from you by Monday 8 July 2024. Please reach out to our Chairperson at: rosemaryhudsonmiller@gmail.com